The A-Fleet was exactly what we needed. AvatarFleet takes a creative approach that wakes up and engages our drivers. I began implementing the A-Fleet in January 2014 and have yet to have a claim or CSA violation since then! While I can’t give AvatarFleet all the credit, our drivers have enjoyed the presentation of the material. Even my experienced drivers tell me they are learning new defensive driving concepts and CSA information.
I chose the A-Fleet for two key reasons: the engaging approach and the modular design. We only hire drivers with at least two years’ experience. New hires tend to come with bad habits and they’ve already seen every training video on my shelf dozens of times. The creative delivery keeps the drivers engaged and I don’t have to threaten them to stay awake. I ran this by my wife who is a high school teacher and she wishes she had more material that followed this concept. The modular design allows me to break up the content and require four modules to be passed each quarter for drivers to earn their safety bonus. The self-directed learning allows drivers to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule, which is a must with our OTR drivers. The A-Fleet is a powerful tool that is already helping us reduce accidents, injuries and insurance claims.
Keith Myers, Safety Director