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All The A-Fleet DriverHub LLLC Defensive Driving Compass Analysis Driver Marketing

In my humble opinion I believe LLLC is the best defensive driving system available today

"We’re always looking for new and innovative ways to reach our customer base to ensure that the highest level of education and training is being delivered. When you look what LLLC has to offer, carriers will quickly recognize it’s a great choice for helping professional drivers move on in their careers."

"In the past 3 years, our accident rate has dropped over 65%. Our insurance rates have dropped considerably, when most others are rising. We’ve been recognized by our insurer as an example of the type of transportation business that they want! LLLC principals have made all our operators better drivers, and the statistics are the proof."

“LLLC is a good course to interact with others in the industry. The most important thing I took away was to look ahead, look around, leave room and communicate defensive driving techniques and how to prevent accidents.”

“This was great training, I would definitely recommend the course. The ideas and training points are an asset to any driver trainer, especially the "driver commentor" part of the course.”

"The LLLC principle is an easy thing to remember and to teach new drivers. It is a very interesting course and the instructor had a lot of experience to share with the class to make it interactive."

“The A-Fleet Professional Safe Drivers Course covers all the safety, defensive driving, and injury prevention principles you need to become a safe operator. The industry could use more companies to implement the program. The value you can achieve is enormous compared to the very minimal cost of the program.”

"Your Core Defensive Driving, Trainer Certification and Safety Leadership courses, first developed for our North American operations, are so effective that we now have you building them in several languages and visuals for global implementation. I could not be happier."

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