We like to say are that there is a driver problem, not a driver shortage, because it’s true. If there was a shortage, there would be no fuel at the gas stations, fruit in the grocery store, or clothes at the mall - freight is still moving out there. However, as freight demand increases the driver market continues to get even more competitive each day. We concede it’s hard getting harder out there bringing in qualified drivers because you’re on the wrong side of supply and demand. Consider the following:
If you’re hiring process is hard to complete, that driver is going down the street.
Consider how JRayl uses it's application page- a seven field online form. That's it. No paperwork, no printing, no problem.
I was able to cut my teeth in the industry managing a recruiting department, and here are some simple tips I learned along the way.
If you’re primarily accepting paper applications still, you need to join the 21st century. Quality applicants already have a job - they’re not able to walk in past your office during the work day.
Choosing the right provider is critical to provide speed and accuracy. A must is that they integrate with your driver-centric Applicant Tracking System, like A-Suite Recruit.
Put your cheapest and shortest return time first. We set up our process in the following order:
Verifying 10 years of work history is a time consuming exercise. Do a time study to figure out how many hours your team requires to complete them on average. Take that average and multiply it by your staff member’s hourly wage to determine if outsourcing employment verifications to a third party is the right move. Then you’re confident the work has been properly documented and logged in your ATS automatically.
When possible, we recommend an initial phone screen and then combine the in-person structure interview and road test as a combined event. You should be using a behaviorally-based structured interview. This is proven to predict future behaviors and ensures all employees and locations are asking the same questions.
We would send drivers for their drug and alcohol screens after the road test since the entire process would take one to three days to complete. The order is initiated from A-Suite Recruit with and then stored. This was the final stage before scheduling orientation.