Statistics have shown us that July through October forms the most dangerous period of driving for the year. While we tend to think of summer-with higher amounts of travel and construction- and winter-with its severe weather- as the worst times of the year, early autumn can be just as dangerous with more likely high winds and the occasional freezing of wet roads at night.
This makes it an especially important time to sharpen up on driver safety. The first step is of course to make drivers aware of the dangerous period they are in the midst of. But a proactive approach to addressing this fact will make the most difference. So what can you do?
This might seem like a boring idea, but it does make a difference. If the same things get repeated, they get drilled into our heads. Attach articles you can find online that support your urgency about this dangerous part of the year on the road. Make it lighter sometimes if you think it will help drivers remember. What matters is they don’t forget and get the message about continuing safe driving behaviors.
It’s never a bad time to have a refresher day where all the drivers and support team come together and catch up on safety. Here they can ask questions and clarify things for less experienced drivers, dispatchers and safety personnel. And while you’re at it, you can buy them a nice lunch to thank them for prioritizing safety.
Nothing helps a driver more than thinking ahead about certain scenarios they might get into on the road. Behavior based courses are increasing in popularity for their usefulness for new and experienced drivers alike. AvatarFleet has developed such a course, the A-Fleet, that focuses on defensive driving and awareness of dangerous on-road behaviors.
Don’t allow your drivers to fall into a complacency now that summer is winding down and the orange barrels are finally going away. Accidents can happen anytime to anyone and it is critical that you maintain a vigilant effort to reduce the risk of such an accident happening to one of your drivers.
Refocus on safety during this high accident period and prepare your drivers and safety team as best as you can. They will not only be more ready for the dangers of late autumn and winter, they will remain ready all year round to be safer on the road.