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Roadside Checks: One Down, One To Go

Written by Mark G. Gardner | June 1, 2012

As we predicted in our post below, government roadside checks took a toll on busing companies.

"Earlier this month, FMCSA and its state and local law enforcement partners conducted safety inspections of motorcoaches, tour buses, school buses and other commercial passenger buses in 13 states and the District of Columbia. This effort resulted in over 2,200 safety inspections and the successful removal of 116 CMV drivers and 169 buses from the roadway for substantial safety violations.

Over the last several years, the DOT has taken aggressive efforts to strengthen motorcoach safety and enforcement. The DOT has doubled the number of bus inspections of the nation's estimated 4,000 passenger bus companies -- from 12,991 in 2005 to 28,982 in 2011. Staying committed to the Motorcoach Safety Action Plan , in January 2010 FMCSA banned texting by commercial drivers, and in November 2011 the agency prohibited commercial drivers from reaching for, holding or dialing a cell phone while operating a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). Earlier this year, FMCSA also released the SaferBus mobile app to give travelers a quick way to view a bus company's safety record before buying an interstate ticket or booking group travel."

In related news, 26 bus companies were shut down in a single FMSCA action which declared them imminent hazards to public safety. 

Lo! and Behold! Next week it's Roadcheck 2012. Carriers and truckers beware! About 10,000 inspectors of all stripes will be looking for violations via roadside inspections across North America.
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Mark G. Gardner
Chief Executive Officer
Avatar Management Services, Inc