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Remote Driver Video Testimonials To Prove Why Your Fleet is Great

Instantly get social proof as to why your company is great to work for with remote driver video testimonials.

You Get Videos-1

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Driver Responding

Get Video Testimonials without Pulling your Drivers Off the Road 

Capture 10 video testimonials from your drivers in 15 minutes of your time.

The 3-Step Process to Getting Driver Video Testimonials


Step One

Record Your DriverAsk Questions

We guide you through the process of recording your questions that will be asked to your drivers. 


Step Two

You Send a Mass Email/Text & Your Drivers Respond

With one click of the mouse, you can instantly send emails or texts to your drivers requesting them for feedback. They respond on their own time anytime, anywhere.


Step Three

We Make Polished Videos

All of your driver feedback is reviewed and then turned into usable recruiting videos that you can use on your social media accounts, careers page and more.

Hand-Picked Resources

How to Double Your Hires Without Spending a Dime More on Ads

Learn how to attract best-fit and high quality candidates by improving your driver brand and stand out from your competition

Download eBook

Purple Cow Academy

A 7-part video series that will double your hires without needing to spend any additional advertising dollars.

Watch the video

How to Develop a Driver Brand

A brand is what drivers think of when they hear your company name. Learn how to define your driver brand statement and use it in all your driver recruiting efforts today.

Download eBook

Ready to Fill Your Empty Seats?

Schedule your 15-minute personalized call to talk through what's holding your driver recruiting back and see how AvartarFleet can help.