John Kuder
February 27, 2022
How confident are you that your drivers report every violation they have in a timely manner? Any accident that happens between a violation or an expired license gives plaintiff attorneys ammunition to add a few zeros to your settlement. You need a cost-effective way to monitor their MVR’s. Our integrated partner SambaSafety can help.
AvatarFleet’s President Scott Rea and SambaSafety’s Chief Marketing Officer Eric Waldinger recently sat down together on an episode of Solving The Driver Problem. The two discussed the major risks carriers face when their drivers fail to alert them of a compliance issue or a violation.
Drivers are required by law to report a violation to you within 24-hours. The problem is, there’s no government agency watching that in real-time. So, if a driver decides to let the violation slide and not bring it up, you’re blind to it until your next yearly MVR review, which could be up to 364 days.
If that driver who shouldn’t be on the road is involved in a collision, it could hurt you in more ways than one.
So, what’s the solution? Run MVRs every day so you’re never caught sleeping on your drivers’ violations? Of course not. That would cost millions of dollars.
You need a cost-effective way to reduce the time gap between your driver having a violation and you finding out about it.
SambaSafety Driver Monitoring solves your problem.
Driver Monitoring is like pulling an MVR every day for all of your drivers without the ridiculous overhead.
This program looks for changes in MVRs for all of your drivers and sends you alerts for violations and suspended licenses. This way, you don’t need to count on your drivers to close the loop if they have a violation.
A program like Driver Monitoring:
As an added bonus, Driver Monitoring has been shown to reduce accidents by 14% and claims by 22%. This is because your drivers know they’re being monitored and will drive safer as a result.
Implementing driver monitoring reduces accidents, injuries, and your fear of a nuclear verdict.
DriverHub has been around for years helping you ditch the manilla folders and stay in compliance with less effort. A blind spot was the need for drivers to self-report violations.
Our integration with SambaSafety Driver Monitoring just plugged that leak.
Now, with DriverHub, you benefit from:
With our latest integration with Samba Safety, now’s the time to invest in DriverHub.
Never get caught sleeping on compliance again.
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